IEEE ICDM 2017 - Medical Mining Tutorial
IEEE ICDM 2017, New Orleans - Tutorial on Mining Cohorts and Patient Data, Monday November 20, 10:30 - 13:00 (NEW DATE)
FIN-Forschungspreis 2015
Dr. Georg Krempl and Daniel Kottke have been awarded with the "FIN-Forschungspreis 2015". This year, the best publication of the faculty has been chosen to be "Optimised probabilistic active learning (OPAL): For Fast, Non-Myopic, Cost-Sensitive Active Classification." by Georg Krempl, Daniel Kottke, and Vincent Lemaire. It was published in the special issue of the ECMLPKDD 2015 Journal Track in the Journal of Machine Learning.
Exam review information
Organizational information regarding the exam reviews of our lectures can be found under "Study" on the respective lecture webpage.
CBMS 2016 Proceedings are online
Myra Spiliopoulou was PC Chair of the IEEE 2016 Int. Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2016), together with Jaakko Hollmen (Univ. Aalto, Finland). CBMS 2016 took place in Belfast and Dublin, June 20-23, 2016. The proceedings are now online as part of the IEEE XPlore digital library under: