Tutorial KDD 2019
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TUTORIAL - T3: Mining and model understanding on medical data
KDD 2019, Anchorage - from August 04 to August 08
Sunday August 4th, 2019 - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (Tubughnenq 3, Level 2, Dena’ina)
Tutorialists: Panagiotis Papapetrou (Stockholm) and Myra Spiliopoulou (Magdeburg)
Medical research and patient caretaking are increasingly benefiting from advances in machine learning. The penetration of smart technologies and the Internet of Things give a further boost to initiatives for patient self-management and empowerment: new forms of health-relevant data become available and require new data acquisition and analytics’ workflows. As data complexity and model sophistication increase, model interpretability becomes mission-critical. But what constitutes model interpretation in the context of medical machine learning: what are the questions for which KDD should provide interpretable answers?
In this tutorial, we discuss basic forms of health-related data Electronic Health Records, cohort data from population-based studies and clinical studies, mHealth recordings and data from internet-based studies. We elaborate on the questions that medical researchers and clinicians pose on those data, and on the instruments they use giving some emphasis to the instruments “population-based study” and“Randomized Clinical Trial”.We elaborate on what questions are asked with those instruments, on whatquestions can be answered from those data, on ML advances and achievements on such data, and on ways of responding to the medical experts’ questions about the derived models.
PART 1: Introduction (BOTH)
The scope of the tutorial: tutorialists, structure, main topics
Introductory terms: What are patient data? Electronic Health Records (EHRs), social data, data collected in cohort studies
PART 2: EHRs and temporal abstractions (PANOS)
Definition and examples of EHRs and EHR systems
Overview of the usage of EHRs globally
Predictive models on EHR data
Dealing with missing values in EHR variables
Survival analysis in EHRs
Slides here
PART 3: Learning from cohorts (MYRA)
Definition and examples of cohorts
Cohorts for clinical and population-based studies
Randomized clinical trials (RCTs)
Expert driven cohort refinement on EHR data
Cohort alignment for model validation
Expert inputs and what-if questions to models on cohorts
Slides here
PART 4: Deep learning and interpretability (PANOS)
Deep learning architectures for EHRs
Recurrent Neural Networks for diagnosis prediction
Deep learning with attention mechanisms
Interpretable model-specific methods for EHRs
Interpretable model-agnostic methods for EHRs
Slides here
PART 5: Learning from eHealth and mHealth data (MYRA)
Using the internet for therapy, the example of iCBT
Potential challenges and pitfalls in mHealth
Momentary assessments and the promise of smart devices
Learning from the data of mobile devices
Monitoring the momentary assessments of patients
Slides here
PART 6: Conclusions (BOTH)
Summary and challenges in learning
Challenges of small data
Challenges on reliability
Challenges in involving the expert
Challenges in model explainability
Target audience and prerequisites
This tutorial is targeted to all KDD participants, with particular focus group being junior researchers interested in machine for health-related data and on how to convey models to experts. The main prerequisites for the participants concerns basic knowledge within the areas of data mining, machine learning, and databases. The audience is expected to be familiar with standard concepts and methods of machine learning. Such knowledge can be expected from KDD participants, including students.
Contact info of the tutors
Prof. Myra Spiliopoulou
Research Group on Knowledge Management and Discovery (KMD),
Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg,
PO Box 4120, 39016 Magdeburg, Germany
Email: myra _at_ ovgu [dot] de
URL: http://www.kmd.ovgu.de/Team/Academic+Staff/Myra+Spiliopoulou.html
Prof. Panagiotis Papapetrou
Data Science group
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
PO Box 7003, 164 07, Stockholm, Sweden
Email: panagiotis _at_ dsv [dot] su [dot] se
URL: http://people.dsv.su.se/~panagiotis/