Job Offer / PhD UNITI
The Chair Wirtschaftsinformatik II (Business Information Systems) develops Machine Learning
methods for the analysis of dynamic data. We have two main application areas: web business and
medicine/healthcare. We offer the opportunity for interdisciplinary research. We seek a new team
member as PhD student for our EU project “Unification of treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus
patients” (UNITI).
Stellenausschreibung Deutsch[Please check updated version below]- Vacancy Notice English
Data Mining I Tutorial
UPDATE: A third DMI tutorial will be offered on 07.02.20 at 15:00 in G22A-105. Registration is not necessary.
In preparation for the upcoming DMI exam in February, 2020, we're offering a tutorial on 13./20.12.2019:
This facultative tutorial is offered only for students who did not pass the Data Mining I exam in summer term 2019 and are currently preparing for their 2nd/3rd trial in February, 2020. The tutorial is offered in a Q&A format and serves as chance for interested students to discuss general lecture content, specific exercise tasks or other concerns in preparation for the upcoming exam.
Interested students have to register themselves for this tutorial via LSF.
Room: G029-021 (KMD Lab) G22A-105
Themenpräsentation Wintersemester 2019/2020
Präsentiert werden Themen für:
• Bachelor Seminar (Bachelor)
• IT-Softwareprojekte (Bachelor)
Die Themenvorstellung ist am 21.10.2019, 09:30 in G29-021.
Oral examinations 2019/2020
3rd try for ITO, WMS, DM4BA, DM I, DM II and RECSYS
Registration on the lists to be found at the Examinations Office, during the opening hours for the following slots:
27.11.2019: 09:30 - 11:30 and 15:30 - 16:3002.03.2020: 10:00 - 11:30 and 13:00 - 16:0003.03.2020: 10:00 - 11:30 and 13:00 - 16:0004.03.2020: 10:00 - 11:30 and 15:00 - 17:3005.03.2020: 15:00 - 16:30 (backup slots)- [Update: 19.02.2020] The time slots are expired
Presentation of Topics for the summer Term 2019
We will present topics for:
- Master Seminars (Advanced Topics in KMD)
- Scientific Team Projects (Master)
- IT-Softwareprojects (Bachelor)
The topics will be presented at the beginning of the semester, 01.04., 11:15 in G29-K059
List of topics by:
- Prof. Spiliopoulou Updated 02.04.19: papers to choose from, starting at slide 16
- Tommy Hielscher
- Christian Beyer
- Uli Niemann
The topic on World Peace presented by Vishnu was prank for 1st of April.
Muendliche Prüfungen KMD | oral exams KMD
3rd try for DM4BA, DM I, DM II, RECSYS, ITO & WMS at:
Wednesday, June 12
Slots between 9:30 and 11:30
Slots between 15:00 and 16:00
Registration on the lists to be found at the Examinations Office, during
the opening hours.