Beyer, Christian


Challenges for Active Feature Acquisition and Imputation on Data Streams. Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learningco-located with European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD 2023), 2023. URL

Human uncertainty in interaction with a machine: establishing a reference dataset. 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, 2023.

Productive teaming under uncertainty: when a human and a machine classify objects together. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO), 9-14, 2023.

Joining Imputation and Active Feature Acquisition for Cost Saving on Data Streams with Missing Features. In Albert Bifet, Ana Carolina Lorena, Rita P. Ribeiro, João Gama, and Pedro H. Abreu (Eds.), Discovery Science, 308-322, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.


Assessment of Immune Status Using Inexpensive Cytokines: A Literature Review and Learning Approaches. In Dr. Fernando Benito-Lopez (Eds.), Sensors, (22)24:9785, MDPI AG, December 2022. URL

Reducing Missingness in a Stream through Cost-Aware Active Feature Acquisition. 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), November 2022.


Potential of Point-of-Care and At-Home Assessment of Immune Status via Rapid Cytokine Detection and Questionnaire-Based Anamnesis. Sensors, (21)15:4960, MDPI AG, July 2021. URL


Multivariate Time Series as Images: Imputation Using Convolutional Denoising Autoencoder. In Michael R. Berthold, Ad Feelders, and Georg Krempl (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII, 1--13, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020. URL

Resource management for model learning at entity level. Annals of Telecommunications, (75)9-10:549--561, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, August 2020. URL

Resource management for model learning at entity level. Annals of Telecommunications, Aug 29, 2020. URL

Active feature acquisition on data streams under feature drift.. Ann. des Télécommunications, (75)9-10:597-611, 2020. URL

Active feature acquisition on data streams under feature drift. Annals of Telecommunications, Jul 8, 2020. URL


Active Feature Acquistion for Opinion Stream Classification under Drift. Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning (IAL 2019), 108--111, 2019. URL

Exploiting Entity Information for Stream Classification over a Stream of Reviews. Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 564-573, ACM, 2019. URL

Entity-level stream classification: exploiting entity similarity to label the future observations referring to an entity. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 2019. URL


Predicting Document Polarities on a Stream without Reading their Contents. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2018.

Entity-Level Stream Classification: Exploiting Entity Similarity to Label the Future Observations Referring to an Entity. 2018.


How to Select Information That Matters: A Comparative Study on Active Learning Strategies for Classification. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (i-KNOW 2015), ACM, 2015. URL

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