Clara Puga

M.Sc. Clara Puga

Fakultät für Informatik (FIN)
AG KMD: Wissensmanagement und Wissensentdeckung
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106, Magdeburg, G29-R310


since 07.20  Research assistant at the Knowledge Management and Discovery Lab at the Otto-von-Guericke University
02.18 - 07.20 Worked as a data scientist in the logistics and banking industry
10.13 - 08.18 MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto


Research interests:

  • Applied graph theory
  • Multi-layer networks
  • Community detection algorithms
  • Uncertainty in learning




Leveraging the potential of multi-layer networks for subgroup discovery. 2024.

Training and validating a treatment recommender with partial verification evidence. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 103062, 2024. URL

Single versus Combination Treatment in Tinnitus: A Randomized, Multicenter Trial. medRxiv, 2024.


A cost-based multi-layer network approach for the discovery of patient phenotypes. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, July 2023. URL

The statistical analysis plan for the unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients randomized clinical trial (UNITI-RCT). Trials, (24)1:472, Springer, 2023.


Juxtaposing Medical Centers Using Different Questionnaires Through Score Predictors. In Andreas K. Maier (Eds.), Frontiers in Neuroscience, (16)Frontiers Media SA, March 2022. URL


Discovery of Patient Phenotypes through Multi-layer Network Analysis on the Example of Tinnitus. 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 1--10, IEEE, 2021. URL

Towards a unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients: The EU research and innovation action UNITI. Progress in brain research, (260):441—451, 2021. URL

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