Martin Atzmueller, Osnabrück University, Germany
- Title: Mining Social Interaction Networks: From Modeling Social Contacts towards Epidemiological Insights
- Abstract: In the world of today social interaction networks have become ubiquitous - both online and offline. In such environments, a variety of heterogenous multi-relational data is generated, e.g., by sensors and social media. In particular, such data and information can then be applied e.g., for modeling human social encounters and epidemiological simulation scenarios, in order to support learning, mining and ultimately decision support. This talk presents a structured overview and discussion on according approaches and methods. I will focus on data capture, modeling and analysis; this will relate to according social interaction networks, e.g., induced by social media as well as those generated by sensor devices in social interaction contexts, and their prospective implications and further directions.
- Speaker bio: Martin Atzmueller is Full Professor (W3, tenured) at the Institute of Computer Science at Osnabrück University (Germany), where he holds the ROSEN-Group-Endowed Chair of Semantic Information Systems and heads the according Semantic Information Systems research group. Professor Atzmueller is founding member of the Research Unit Data Science at Osnabrück University. Previously, he also held appointments at Tilburg University (The Netherlands) as an Associate Professor, and at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (France) as a Visiting Professor. He earned his habilitation (Dr. habil.) in 2013 at the University of Kassel, where he also was appointed as adjunct professor (Privatdozent). Further, he received his Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) in Computer Science from the University of Würzburg in 2006.
Martin Atzmueller's research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Complex Networks, Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning and Human-Centered Data Science. His work focuses on how to 'make sense' of complex information and knowledge processes - leveraging the massive amounts of data collected in science and industry by intelligent analytics and semantic interpretation. He has published more than 200 scientific articles in top venues, and is the winner of several Best Paper and Innovation Awards. He regularly acts as PC member of several top-tier conferences and as co-organizer on a number of international workshops, conferences, and tutorials on the topics of artificial intelligence, data science and network science.

Muhammad Imran, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar
- Title: COVID-19 Pandemic Through Social Media Lens: A Comprehensive Dataset and Analysis
- Abstract: The past several years have witnessed a huge surge in the use of social media platforms during mass convergence events such as health emergencies, natural and human-induced disasters. These non-traditional data sources are becoming vital for disease forecasts and surveillance when preparing for epidemic and pandemic outbreaks. This talk will present a diversified analysis of a large-scale COVID-19 multilingual dataset consisting of more than 2 billion tweets collected worldwide. I will present how different countries and societies embarrassed COVID-19 as perceived from their views on social media, their sentiment and perception on measures taken by authorities such as lockdowns, and the challenges they faced amidst the pandemic such as food insecurity, shortage of masks and supplies. I will also present the broad coverage of the data using trends representing different topics such as education, employment, tourism, economy, sports, the environment.
- Speaker bio: Dr. Muhammad Imran works as a Senior Scientist and Lead of the Crisis Computing team at Qatar Computing Research Institute. His interdisciplinary research focuses on natural language processing, social and crisis computing, applied machine learning, and human-computer interaction. Dr. Imran received his PhD in computer science from the University of Trento in 2013. He then worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at QCRI from 2013-2015. Dr. Imran has published over 80 research papers in top-tier international conferences and journals including ACL, SIGIR, ICDM, ICWSM, and WWW. Four of his papers received the "Best Paper Award" and two "Best Paper Runner-up Award." He has been serving as a co-chair of the Social Media Studies track of the ISCRAM international conference since 2014 and has served as Program Committee for many major conferences and workshops.