Knowledge Management & Discovery Lab
KMD stands for "Knowledge Management and Discovery" .
The KMD Lab is part of the department Technical and Business Information Systems (ITI) .
The KMD Lab has been established in February 2003.
In the KMD lab, we develop and apply data mining methods for dynamic environments, with particular emphasis on:
- Machine Learning methods for streams and time series with gaps – prediction and feature contribution
- Parsimonious usage of data and features – cost-aware active feature acquisition methods
- Design of human-understandable solutions
Our application areas are:
- Medical Mining I: Treatment prediction, phenotyping in medical research
- Medical Mining II: Human interaction with mHealth apps
- Experiments I: Analysis of participant behaviour in experimental settings
- Experiments II: Experiment design and analysis of human behaviour in human-machine interaction
More on our research can be found here.
Our research is reflected in our teaching curriculum, which is built around the topic of data mining: Students learn underpinnings of data mining in all bachelor courses we offer. In the mandatory courses ITO and WMS of the Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik degree, we focus on mining for business applications. In the Recommenders course, we elaborate on the mining methods for static and stream recommenders.
In the courses Data Mining I (two variants, one for bachelor degrees, one for master degrees), students learn fundamentals on algorithms, model evaluation and data preparation. In Data Mining II, students learn learning methods for timestamped data. In the seminars, team projects and individual projects, students learn to design and apply mining and machine learning methods in realistic applications, and they get involved in our research - in team projects and individual projects. Our courses can be found under Study.
Volunteers for Survey
We are looking for voluteers to take a survey for an experiment, the link for the survey and other details are provided in the PDF attached.
Announcement: Master Thesis Opportunity on Classification of Rare Classes and Rare Values
Investigating the potential of GraphNNs or multi-layer networks for classification of objects when the classes are rare and some of the predictive features are also rare
DM II Examination Annulment
The DM II exam of summer term 2024 (written exam in July 2024) is annulated. Re-regristations open until 15th November 13:00.
Exam Inspection 2024
Exam inspection at KMD for the courses -Data Mining I (DM 1), Data Mining II (DM 2), Data Mining - Eine Einführung (DM4BA), Informationstechnologie in Organisationen (ITO), Wissensmanagement (WMS), Recommenders ((RECSYS)
on Tuesday, November 5, 11:30 to 14:30 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Workshop on human-aware AI at the ECAT 2024
The workshop "HAII5.0: Embracing Human-Aware AI in Industry 5.0" is held on October 19, 2024, at ECAI 2024, focusing on integrating human-aware AI into Industry 5.0.
Exam Inspection for RECSYS 23/24
Exam Inspection for RECSYS takes place on April 10 and 11 - by appointment only, please contact Prof. Spiliopoulou.
Exam Inspection WiSe 23/24
*** ENG
Inspection of exam sheets - Dates per appointment only
Inspection of the exam sheets for the KMD exams of February/March 2024 at following dates:
- 10. April 2024, 9:30-12:00
- 11. April 2024, 9:30-12:00
per appointment only. Appointments only until March 28: please email the KMD team member responsible for the course.
*** DEU
Klausureneinsicht - TERMINE (nur mit Terminvereinbarung)
Die Klausureinsicht für die KMD Klausuren in Feb/März 2024 findet statt am
- 10. April 2024, 9:30-12:00
- 11. April 2024, 9:30-12:00
ausschließlich mit Terminvereinbarung bis 28. März. Senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an das für den Kurs zuständige KMD-Teammitglied.