Publications in 2024



Leveraging the potential of multi-layer networks for subgroup discovery. 2024.

Heterogeneity in response to treatment across tinnitus phenotypes. 2024.

Entity-centric machine learning: leveraging entity neighborhoods for personalized predictors. 2024.

Parsimonious predictors for medical decision support: Minimizing the set of questionnaires used for tinnitus outcome prediction. Expert Systems with Applications, (239):122336, Elsevier BV, April 2024. URL

Predicting User Engagement in mHealth Apps with Neighborhood-based Approaches. 2024 IEEE 37th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 391-397, IEEE, June 2024.

Letzte Änderung: 16.09.2024 - Ansprechpartner: